Day 1: My Coding Campaign
A small insight on the first step in my software engineering journey
Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever blog post! As this is my first post I thought I should first introduce myself so you're not left wondering "okay but who is this guy?"
My name is Arsalaan, I'm a 20 year old software engineering student studying in Toronto, Canada. I started my programming journey when I was about 17 and my dad signed me up for a super basic python course, and I loved every second of it! The idea that I can create something and see it execute in real time with a random laptop I used for school was mind-blowing to me. Ever since, I wanted to make it into a career. Today, I've taken a few steps into my journey by creating what I call...
My Coding Campaign
This campaign in the world of programming will be a blend of creativity and problem-solving, where I'm currently diving into the depth of full stack development. Taking advantage of platforms like the Odin Project and courses from the University of Helsinki. I will also be participating in the 100 days of code challenge which I will talk more about in the next blog. Throughout this campaign, I will be blogging my progress on how I'm finding the courses, the 100 days of code challenge, my school courses as well, and I'm excited to showcase some of the skills that they have taught me, whether that has to do with programming or just life in general. I encourage you all to follow along as this will be a motivating journey filled with gems that will be useful tomorrow if not today.
We'll talk about long term goals in the near future, but right now I want to talk about my short term goals in programming. I will be kickstarting my dream of becoming a skilled software engineer by building my first project, and what might that be you ask? A personal portfolio, because what better way to start off this campaign than to build something that is uniquely mine? A website which I can use to showcase my skills, future projects, links to socials where you can contact me, and more! The possibilities are endless, which is why I thought it would be an amazing first project.
I will be documenting my learning progress here on this blog so stay tuned if you would like to see how the problem-solving mind of a passionate 20 year old works!
If you've made it this far into the blog, I just wanna say thank you because even though it might be something small, It means a lot to know that someone out there is somewhat interested in what I have to say. I hope you stick around wherever you can and enjoy the campaign! see you next time :)